Monday, June 8, 2015

What a Week!

This past week was both difficult and great! It was a little difficult because the majority of our set lessons were all cancelled :( But at the same time a lot of good things happened!

We are teaching this woman named Jodi and she has three boys. One of her boys is fifteen years old and his name is Colby. Colby has some kind of disability and he has a wheelchair that he can maneuver himself. He is really funny but at the same time he really understands our message of the restoration and it makes sense to him. He reminded me so much of Christopher and it just made me miss him! It also made me really happy to know that in the future Christopher will have a perfected body and I will be able to talk to him. :)

We also found a new investigator this week! We were looking for people to teach in this really nice neighborhood and we met Grace, who was outside with her daughter. We had a really good conversation and Grace told us that she is Christian but that for some reason she has never been baptized. We took the opportunity to ask if we could share more with her about the authority needed to baptize and she said yes. She then gathered up her kids inside and we taught the restoration! It was a miracle! :) I'm excited to keep teaching her!

We also had that really good training on family history and how we can share information about that with people who aren't ready to hear the gospel yet. I came out of that meeting with an even greater respect and appreciation for my past ancestors! I encourage you all to learn more about your families and to preserve the precious stories and memories of your ancestors for the future generations!

Oh my goodness, I almost forgot! I taught a lesson in Spanish all by myself! Literally, I taught the whole thing! We were talking to our friend, Nick, who works at Pep boys and he told us where some Hispanics lived. So we went over and found Omar! He seemed really interested and had good questions! Hopefully he continues to learn more!

This crazy, fun week was ended with a wonderful Sunday! We fasted, heard wonderful testimonies, and had dinner with some members! I was also able to go to the sacrament hour with the Spanish branch as well so that was nice!

The last and most crazy thing that happened this week was during our fast and testimony meeting. We had just listened to three really good testimonies and then all of a sudden a women walks in from the side door and goes directly to the pulpit. She hadn't even said anything yet and the spirit was already gone. When she introduced herself Sister Walker started to be a little anxious because she had heard that this woman had basically been looking into anti information  and had left the church.

In the beginning she wasn't saying anything too crazy. She talked about the plan of salvation and how she was happy that her son had just been married in the temple. Sadly, as she went on though, you could tell that she was not there to share her testimony. She started talking about Islam and what is happening in other countries and talking about the Bible and a whole bunch of other stuff.

I was thinking, " someone going to politely ask her to sit down??"

Then she goes on to say that we have all been deceived and all of this other stuff.

As soon as she said that Bishop Smith stood up and asked her to leave but she wouldn't stop. Bishop Smith literally had to escort her out of the building to get her to leave.
It was crazy! Never had I ever seen something like that happen in a sacrament meeting.

I felt so sad for this poor woman who was obviously so confused and lost.

What happened after this though was a very special experience that I hope I never forget.
So many members went up to share their testimonies of the gospel. They bore their testimonies of the teachings of Jesus Christ, The Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, prayer and much more. The Spirit was instantly brought back into the meeting! It was so great!

My heart aches for that woman but I am so grateful to know that we all have the right to pray to our Heavenly Father and receive personal revelation. It is very important that we keep our focus on Christ and that we continue to grow and REAFFIRM our testimonies. We can do this by taking the sacrament seriously and by studying the sacrifices that both Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have made in our behalf. The sacrament is an important ordinance that we have to REMEMBER Jesus Christ. I know that as we take the sacrament seriously we will not lose our way.

I know that the Bible AND the Book of Mormon are the word of God. When the Bible was originally written it was perfect but after the death of Christ some precious truths that we desperately needed to know were changed and lost. The Book of Mormon is filled with those precious truths that were lost. The Bible and the Book of Mormon BOTH testify of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that God truly does have all wisdom and HE can see the bigger picture. I know that without Him we are nothing. I know that God always reveals more revelation to His prophets and that He will continue to do so. It is because God loves us that He has a prophet on the earth to help guide us just like He did in the past. I promise you that if you read the Book of Mormon and ask with a sincere heart if it is true, you will come to learn about the path that leads to our salvation.

I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Hermana Soliz :)

Sister Walker and I have decided that getting Italian cream sodas is our favorite thing! They are soo good!

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