I love missionary work! It's hard but I love it!
I realized I haven't told you much about my companion besides the fact
that she is amazing and wonderful! Haha! Anyways Hermana Mitchell and I
are one month apart. She turned 21 the week I arrived in the field. She
loves sports and she is obsessed with cereal. Seriously, she loves
cereal and is always trying different kinds. She is from Oregon but her
family moved to St. George, UT. She also went to BYU for a year before
coming on a mission. She will be finishing her mission and going home on
December 8th, so she's almost done. She's an awesome trainer!
This past week flew by! Some of the days were long but now that it's another Monday I feel like it went by so fast!
other Monday the Spanish Group has Family Home Evening all together at
the church. We had one this past Monday and it was awesome! Five of our
investigators ended up going which made me and Hermana Mitchell very
happy!! The investigators that went were Juan and Rosa and their son
Bryan who is 14 years old. Also David and Yesmin went.
We ended up
watching the video they showed at the General Relief Society Broadcast
about temples. They also talked about an upcoming temple trip for the
Spanish Group to go to. Rosa really liked it and said she wants to go to
the temple!!! That's so great! We need her to get baptized first but
that is awesome that she has the desire!
After that we all
played volleyball which was fun! Sister Ramos also made chicken
enchiladas and dessert for everyone to eat. She loves cooking,
especially for the members!
Also this pasty Tuesday we had a
special training with President Eaton where we discussed Effective
Scripture Study Skills. We also had the opportunity to watch the movie
coming out called Meet the Mormons. It was really great and guess what?!
It comes out October 10th!! That's my birthday in case you forgot! LOL!
So for my birthday present you should all go watch the movie! It really
is great and it would be good for all of you to see!
Also I
saw Elder Brown there! I walked in and out of the corner of my eye I saw
an Elder waving and I looked and it was him. I was surprised because I
wasn't expecting to see him but it was good to see a familiar face when
I'm so far from home. He told me he has been out for 10 months and is
doing good.
And of course, General Conference! Wasn't that
just amazing!! I loved every second of it! And it went by way too fast!
They should make them longer ;) I loved all of the talks and Eduardo
Gavarrett actually spoke to us in the Mexico MTC so it was cool to hear
from him again. I'm trying to think of a couple of my favorite talks but
they were all just so good!
Also, I received my birthday
package mom! Thanks so much! I haven't opened it yet because I'm
practicing my patience and waiting until my actual birthday. Can you
believe I'm turning 21? Gosh...I'm getting old. Haha!
Te amo much! Hasta luego!
Hermana Soliz
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